2024: Year in Review

2024 has been a year of tremendous growth for me as an editor. I finally made the leap to go full-time freelance in the summer, and it feels great to say that I am a "professional video editor" and it's not an exaggeration. I look forward to what 2025 will bring and the continued pursuit of honing my craft as I enter the first full calendar year with video editing as my main gig.

There are some great videos I got to be a part of in 2024 both in the commercial and creative spheres featured in the video recap above. I'd especially like to shoutout Main Paige Media, Hawke Commercial Filmmaking, and the cast and crew of “Johnny Centipede” for their collaboration. Continue reading for a deeper dive into some standout projects for me this past year as an editor (and one as a camera operator) — as well as a preview of what you can expect from me in 2025.

“About Suzy and the Hippy Pilgrim Helpline” - Video Editor, Produced by Main Paige Media

In 2024, I had the pleasure of working on several projects as both an editor and production assistant with Main Paige Media. Upon reflection, this one stands out as one of my favorites for a few reasons:

Suzy from Hippy Pilgrim has a great story and mission with this new “helpline” service, which in a nutshell, is genuine connection with others.

And on the technical side, this video came together in a somewhat non-traditional way. Typically, with docu-style content, you start with an interview, build the narrative and then add the b-roll. With this video, we had multiple avenues through which to construct the story: the interview, conversations with Suzy’s friends, cooking demos, etc. I’m really happy with the narrative that Paige Burns (Founder/Creative Director of Main Paige Media) and I were able to put together in post-production.

“Learn how Nate Hybl, gusto! CEO is building a people-first culture with 7shifts” - Video Editor, Produced by Hawke Commercial Filmmaking

Here’s another thank you to Hawke Commercial Filmmaking for having me join as the editor on this project. This client case-study shines a light on Atlanta regional restaurant chain, gusto!, for the software company, 7shifts

This is the longest branded docu-style video I’ve edited thus far, and it definitely sticks out as one of my favorites from the year. Not all projects suit a strict 2-3 minute timeline that is so often recommended for this type of promotional content. Sometimes it’s better to allow the story to take precedence over the run-time.

“Johnny Centipede” - Video Editor, Short Film Directed by John DiGiacomo

Technically, the majority of the work for this film took place in 2023. However, it was in early 2024 that Johnny Centipede officially debuted.

While the entire film is not available to watch, I want to highlight a specific excerpt that is truly one of the most fun edits I’ve ever worked on … the dance sequence.

I won’t say too much, you’ll just have to take a look. BUT, with so many angles and so many takes to choose from … this was a labor of love to edit (and one that was worth the effort in my humble opinion).

“Glacier - Sand Bitten Lungs [Live Session]” - Camera Operator, Music Video Produced by Treebeard Media

For those that are unfamiliar, music is one of my greatest passions, and I’ve been a musician my whole life. With that said, I always love to work on music videos, live sessions, etc. when the opportunity arises either as an editor or as a camera operator (the latter being the case for this one).

My friend Stephen LoVerme, one of the minds behind Treebeard Media, directed this music video for Boston-based metal band, Glacier. I have been filming bands with Steve since college, and this is certainly one of the highlights.

There will be another blog post at some point dedicated to my music-related projects. In the meantime, this serves as a convenient segway to what you can expect from me in 2025.

What’s in the pipeline for 2025?

In 2025, you will continue to see me working with production companies to create polished docu-style content, ads, reels and much more. But you will also see, or at least get a preview, of some exciting creative projects I’ll be working on including a music video for my original song “Streetcar” to be released early this year (see stills below).

I have many goals and aspirations for 2025, and I am excited to report back again in 2026 what a full year of freelance brought to me. For now, I hope everyone has a restful start to the new year as we gear up for a new season of growth, discovery and all that life has to bring us.

Till next time,



BTS: Streetcar (Official Music Video)


An Introduction: Boston-Based Video Editor and Creative Kayla Avitabile